Sofco is aimed at larger organizations that need professional websites and custom software

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Sofco | software for companies

Target audience

Larger organizations

Sofco has been offering their services to larger organizations in the region and beyond for more than 20 years. Sofco is also active in Germany and Belgium. Sofco develops professional websites for organizations that have a lot of content, need multilingual websites and possibly need to be linked to (already existing) internal systems. Sofco is a specialist in linking applications to online environments. The advantage of system integration and links is obvious: the data is automatically and error-free which saves a lot of manual work and can prevent a lot of frustration.

Building such links is specialized work and requires extensive technical knowledge. There are often several options for integrating systems with each other. Sofco is happy to help you make the right choice and a successful implementation

Our specialty
Forwarding reports on websites to an existing ERP system
Delivery of platforms on which suppliers / buyers can connect
Expanding existing systems
Synchronizing database data
Reading from and posting on social networks
Expand existing applications with APIs and web interfaces
Linking back offices or websites
Linking CRM data to a website

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Gemeente Roermond

Gemeente Roermond

As a municipality of Roermond, how do you inform MPs just before they have to make an important decision about municipal reorganization? Answer: With a visual approach. Together with Sofco we made a flash presentation within a few weeks, with which we could explain all our arguments. The presentation was put on USB sticks by Sofco, so that we had an original and attractive way to reach the members of parliament. The information is offered to all members of parliament. Partly as a result of this approach, we have succeeded in reiterating the position of the municipality of Roermond in the subsequent personal discussions with the various political groups.

Why did we choose Sofco? We worked together with Maurice van Kessel in 2003 on setting up a new layout for With this website we won the public award of the Webwijzer Award for government websites in that year. We therefore knew that Maurice would be well able to provide this presentation for us in the short term.

R. Schoemakers
Municipality of Roermond