Newsletter module

The newsletter module allows your visitors to register for your mailings. E-mail addresses of your registrants are sent to you by e-mail and automatically stored in your database. If you use the Sofco mailing module, you can select these addresses individually or all at once to send a mailing.

The newsletter module has an opt-in function that sends each subscriber an e-mail to confirm their e-mail address before it is stored in your database. This will prevent you from entering incorrect or non-existent e-mail addresses in your database.

Newsletter subscriptions

Sofco CMS has a template available with which you can register visitors to your website to receive your newsletter. These are automatically stored in your database and you can select them individually or all at the same time when you send a new mailing.

Unsubscribe mailing / newsletter

Recipients who want to unsubscribe from your mailings can do this by following a link under your e-mail. You are required to do this for European legislation. Recipients who deregister will be registered by Mailgun and will no longer receive e-mails from you, even if they are still listed in your database. Mailgun will no longer forward mail to the e-mail addresses that have unsubscribed.

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