Create mailing

Via this page you can create a new mailing and link it to a group. Only those who belong to this group will receive your mailing (see: Groups). To set up a mailing, you must complete the following fields:

- Frequency that you want to send the mailing
- The time when the mail must be sent
- Date that the (first) mailing must be sent
- Subject of the mail
- Group to which you want to send the mailing

For the contents of the mailing you have the following options at your disposal:

- Title (optional)
- Message (optional)
- Button title (optional)
- Button link (optional)
- Image (optional)

If you want to place several messages underneath each other in your mailing, you can click on the + sign and the options above are offered to you again to fill in. You can place an unlimited number of messages in your mailing.

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