Set permissions

A user account must be given rights after it has been created. rights that you can determine per user. You have the choice of the options below to which you can grant users rights so that they can access the parts that you wish to use.

- Invoices
- Overview of invoices
- Create invoices
- Make a subscription
- Subscriptions

- Quotations
- Overview of quotations
- Make quotes

- Credit invoices
- Overview of credit invoices
- Create credit invoice

- Mailing system
- Mailing overview
- Create mailing
- Planning mailings

- Statistics
- Stats invoices
- Stats quotes

- Groups
- Add group
- Link group

- Relationships
- Overview relationships
- Add relationship
- Import relationship
- Export relationships

- Users
- Overview users
- Add user

- Expenses
- Overview of expenses
- Create expense
- All expense categories
- Create expense category

- Accountancy
- Download accounting
- Balance analysis

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