5 important steps in creating a content heavy

5 important steps in creating a content heavy

Having a content-heavy or content-rich website helps to stimulate qualified traffic figures and inspires to generate more leads. But whether you plan to change your site to a more content-based design or start all over again, there are 5 important steps to follow.

1. Plan
When you want to change your website from a static, brochure-like promotion of your products and services to a dynamic, content-based experience, the first thing you need is a plan.

With every piece of content that you create (whether it's a blog post, ebook, webinar, etc.), you must ensure that what you write focuses on the right audience. Usually your target group is defined by both the customers you currently have and the type of customers you want. Your current customer base can therefore be mainly between 20 - 25 years old and women, while you may want to start attracting more men or women within an older age category. An ideal audience is defined by more than just this, but by knowing exactly who you want to capture with your content, you can then create it accordingly. Take the AllesinLIMBURG.nl platform, for example. The target group is clear, reaching all Limburgers of Limburg. Young or old, there must be something for everyone to be able to attract these target groups. A plan is therefore clearly drawn up in advance for this.

Your schedule must also include mapping your article ideas. How much do you want to write per week? How often do you create lead capturing offers via an e-book, webinar, etc.? The schedule must be determined and adhered to in advance. Consistent creation of quality content is necessary for a successful, content-driven site. You may even have to adjust your site slightly to accommodate the inclusion of a blog. The most important thing is that you do not start blindly. Plan your content strategy before you implement it - making it a much more pleasant process.

2. Choose your platform
As I said, the introduction of a blog or a heavy-content website may require a redesign. The design changes can be minor or drastic, which means that you want to deal with a solid Content Management System (CMS) when it comes to constantly uploading content. An unstable or difficult CMS will only make it annoying to set up your articles. A bad CMS also influences how easy / difficult it is to upload calls to action and create your landing pages / offer forms.

If you are looking for a blog-friendly CMS, then Sofco has the choice of two different CMS systems that are user-friendly and can be expanded at any time with customized software or that can be linked to existing (internal) software systems that you have been using for years. .

3. Write
With your plan and platform completely crystallized, it now comes down to getting your content there. Yes, there is also the option of slightly redesigning your website (this all depends on your goals), but we only focus on the content of this article.

As mentioned earlier, your plan must include a detailed schedule of how often you must create articles and lead offers. You must adhere to this schedule as closely as possible, since a regular schedule for creating content contributes to success. People will be more willing to visit a website on a regular basis, knowing that the content is being updated consistently.

In addition to writing and publishing your content, don't forget to share it on your social media accounts. Also make sure that the social media sharing buttons are included in your articles so that others can easily share them in their own accounts. It is actually a kind of digital word of mouth where people approve your content to their friends, family and colleagues. At AllesinLIMBURG.nl you will find buttons for each article to share them to facebook, twitter, linkedin, whatsapp or via e-mail. The content of these messages is automatically filled with the content on the relevant pages.

4. Offers
These have already been mentioned a number of times in this article, but it is certainly worth emphasizing once again the importance of making main offers for your website. While your blog helps generate qualified traffic to your site, lead offers can greatly help you increase the number of leads that you generate. Offers can take various forms, from e-books and white papers to webinars and product / service demos. Keep in mind that offers must be free, but all users must complete an offer form in which they provide you with information such as their email address.

5. Analyze
With content marketing it is important to be able to see which content resonates with your audience and which content is not. So once you have set up your new content rich site, you must perform a certain type of analysis, whether it is Google Analytics or that of your CMS. This is of course completely dependent on the CMS itself.

Things to keep in mind include traffic numbers to individual blog pages, social shares, conversion rate for certain offers, where users click through to after viewing an article, the longer users are on your site, etc. By analyzing statistics such as these, you can then assess which content works and where it may need to be improved. Nothing ever works without refinement and your content rich website is no different.

Looking for a specialized party with extensive experience in the field of content-heavy websites? Feel free to contact the people of Sofco.nl via info@sofco.nl